Independence Day 2017 – part II

After last night’s festivities and a good night’s rest, there was a parade through the streets of Cofradía – not a very big parade by many standards, but still a chance for the children and social organizations of the village to celebrate and show respect for the independence of the United States of Mexico.

And my battery died at the point that this video ended. In the first video you can see the newly crowned Queen of Cofradía riding on the hood of a car. At the end of the second video, my battery gave out again just as the little Princess of Cofradía came around the corner, riding on the hood of another car.

Changed the battery of my camera and caught the end of the parade

Independence Day – 2017

Once again it is Mexican Independence Day, which starts on the night of September 15th with the Grito – the cry of freedom. We had a wonderful celebration last night and since I am sure I have already posted the history of this celebration in another blog posting on this site,  I will cut the narrative short and mainly post videos and photos.

This is the true Mexican Independence Day – not Cinco de Mayo, which only celebrates the people of Puebla’s victory over Napoleon’s forces. The evening started out with a parade of the flag, speeches, prayers and suggestions to help for the victims of the recent natural disasters in Oaxaca and Chiapas and the toro, an effigy of a bull surrounded by fireworks. The fireworks were lit and a man ran around the village square with it. I still don’t know if or how many times someone was burned from holding it as fireworks shoot off.

There was singing and dancing and between 11pm and midnight fireworks were set off into the sky. So enjoy the videos and  photos (including some taken on more artistic settings) and have a wonderful weekend, wherever you are.

Cofradía version of the Running of the Bulls

Mariachis playing Camino Real Colima

Children watching the performances